Writing a film analysis essay
World Issues 2016 For Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
State of Maryland Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Province of Maryland - Research Paper Example This innovation may assume an extraordinary job in better treatment of an individual. It has improve the value, insurance and capability of clinical records. The EHR has dispensed with the impacts of obscured penmanship of the specialist or other staff. One doesn't need to confront any trouble while checking on the patient’s record, since all the data is clear and to the point. To enter the information in the EHR the patient need to fill a structure that is downloaded to the EHR. The patient’s record is refreshed with each visit he makes. The aftereffect of the research facility tests some other related analysis are too refreshed with time. Additionally if the patient conceded in the medical clinic and its release synopses are likewise noted down in the record. One can likewise make diagrams of the patient’s circulatory strain level inside explicit time span, its expansion or abatement in weight, stature, and so forth. (Driving EHR Solutions from Sentinel Health, 2013) This program can spare such a great amount of time, as one doesn’t need to look all through the documents and discover a patient’s record; it’s only a tick away. The patient’s entire clinical history can be gotten to through the PC in the emergency clinic, in practically no time. This can assist the doctor with studying in detail the patient’s medicinal services history, for their better treatment. Maryland was the main state to remunerate motivating force to the human services foundations, who are adequately executing the utilization Electronic Health Record. House bill 706 (electronic wellbeing records guideline and repayment) was passed, as the aftereffect of which â€Å"EHR motivating force program†appeared. (Electronic Health Records , 2012). The EHR impetus program offers motivators to those medical clinics and experts, who get, actualize and display the right utilization of the EHR program. These motivators are appropriated to empower the utilization of EHR in the clinical and expert field. (EHR motivation program, 2012). This impetus program is accessible for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Atticus Finch Characterisation
Sebastian Huitron English Honors 11B Miss Rachel MacNally 10/04/2013 Character Analysis: Atticus To Kill a Mockingbird was composed by Harper Lee in 1960. It was a period in which African Americans did not have indistinguishable rights from white individuals. The epic is a social evaluate set some place during the 1930s. Atticus Finch is one of the significant characters in the novel. He is the dad of Jeremy â€Å"Jem†and Jean Louise â€Å"Scout†, he is likewise a legal advisor in Maycomb County, Alabama. In a city ruled by social disparity and prejudice, Atticus speaks to equity and morality.Racism is one of the significant topics in the book, since the story happens during the 1930s. It is clear in the novel that African Americans come up short on similar chances and rights, and the greater part of the white individuals treat them extraordinary, with the exception of Atticus. Atticus attempts to see things from others’ points of view and treats everybody simil arly. Atticus is a man of standards and is continually decided by others for his resilience towards African Americans considering him a â€Å"nigger-lover†. The truth of the matter is that Atticus is visually challenged, so to speak.He couldn't care less on the off chance that they are white, dark, red, yellow, purple, or blue, for him everybody is a human who has indistinguishable rights from every other person. Societal position isn't something Atticus Finch stresses over, he gives all the residents in Maycomb a similar treatment, henceforth procuring the regard and ridicules of the individuals living there. In section eleven, Atticus says â€Å"I put forth a valiant effort to cherish everyone. †(Lee 108) It is this feeling of visual weakness that makes Judge Taylor named Tom Robinson’s assault case explicitly to Atticus. Tom Robinson was an African American who was blamed for assaulting Mayella Ewell, a seventeen-year old white girl.Perhaps even Judge Taylor realized that Tom Robinson was honest, yet review that African Americans were constantly seen as liable, regardless of whether the proof pointed in an alternate manner. Atticus has confidence in equity and the equity framework, however he doesn't care for criminal law. Atticus discloses to Jean Louise the motivation behind why he is happy to protect Tom Robinson. He is guarding Tom Robinson not on the grounds that he is an African American, but since he is guiltless. As indicated by generalizations, legal counselors are just keen on being paid; they don't generally think about the case and their customer. Atticus akes us have an alternate point of view on legal advisors. He can be called as a â€Å"ideal lawyer†, he speaks to everything a man working in the equity framework ought to do. He is reasonable, tunes in to the two sides of the court, consequently having alternate points of view of the occasions, just as observing everything from various edges. Atticus applies these equivalent standards in his home; Jean Louise says that at whatever point Jem and she battle, Atticus tunes in to the two sides of the narratives before arriving at an answer. Atticus is a remarkable parent. He regards his youngsters as grown-ups however he realizes that they are still children and that they may do puerile mistakes.Atticus is genuine with his kids and answers every one of their inquiries, for instance, he disclosed what â€Å"rape†was to Jean Louise. He continually poses the inquiry â€Å"Do you truly think so? †when he needs their youngsters to reevaluate what they have expressed or inquired. It is a significant factor that he doesn't modify his talking tone to what others would consider is the correct tone when conversing with kids; he converses with them as though they were full grown-ups. â€Å"’I’m apprehensive our exercises would be gotten with significant dissatisfaction by the more learned specialists. Jem and I were acquainte d with our father’s last-will-and-confirmation style, and we were consistently allowed to interfere with Atticus for an interpretation when it was outside our ability to comprehend. ‘Huh, sir? ’ ‘I never went to school,’ he stated, ‘but I have an inclination that in the event that you reveal to Miss Caroline we read each night she’ll get after me, and I wouldn’t need her after me. ’†(Lee 32). This statement is a proof of the past proclamation and furthermore shows that Atticus is dedicated to his youngsters and thinks about what they need. Jean Louise clarified Atticus that on the off chance that going to class implied that they couldn’t read around evening time, at that point she didn’t need to go.Atticus answers by clarifying why it is essential to go to class. At long last they settle on an understanding in which Jean Louise will go to class and they will keep perusing around evening time as long as she doesn't disclose to Miss Caroline about it. Nearly toward the finish of the book, Atticus gives his motivations to Mr. Tate on why Jem ought to be attempted similarly as any other person. â€Å"If this thing’s quieted it’ll be a straightforward refusal to Jem of the way I’ve attempted to raise him. Now and again I think I’m an all out disappointment as a parent, however I’m all they’ve got. †(Lee 273). This is Atticus most extreme articulation of affection, regard and dedication to his son.Atticus has a severe code of respect and attempts to give his own qualities to his kids. The motivation behind why he invests a lot of energy into the Tom Robinson’s case isn't on the grounds that Tom Robinson is really an African American, but since he is honest. As expressed previously, he is â€Å"colorblind†. Atticus perceives that Calpurnia plays a significant job in the house since it is her who is for all intents and purpos es bringing up the children. In part three, Atticus makes Jean Louise acknowledge how significant Calpurnia is for them, â€Å"I’ve no goal of disposing of her, presently or ever. We couldn’t work a solitary day without Cal, have you at any point pondered the amount Cal accomplishes for you, and you mind her, you hear? †(Lee 25). Miss Maudie once told Jean Louise that â€Å"Atticus Finch is the equivalent in his home as he is in the open road. †(Lee 46). A reasonable model is the point at which he actually goes to Tom Robinson’s spouse to illuminate her about the news regarding his now late husband. He doesn't carry on like the other White individuals in Maycomb, maybe any other person would have recently sent a detachment to convey this horrible news. In the event that there is whatever Atticus really loathes are individuals exploiting over others.The just time that he genuinely addresses his kids is on the shades of malice of exploiting those t hat are not all that lucky or who don't have a similar degree of instruction. â€Å"As you become more established you’ll see white men cheat dark men each day of your life, however let me disclose to you something and don’t you overlook itâ€whenever a white man does that to a dark man, regardless of what his identity is, the means by which rich he is, of how fine a family he originates from, that white man is refuse. †(Lee 200). Regardless of whether Atticus is regularly taunted or compromised for some explanation, he despite everything sees just the positive qualities in individuals and attempts to pardon their terrible actions.Miss Dubose, for instance, is continually offending Atticus before his children. Despite the fact that Jean Louise enlightens Atticus concerning what Miss Dubose says, he pardons it by saying that she is an old, desolate lady. After Miss Dubose’s demise, he clarifies Jem why Miss Dubose was a woman all things considered and t hat Jem could really take in something from her. â€Å"I needed you to see something about herâ€I needed you to perceive what genuine mental fortitude is [†¦]. It’s when you’re licked before you start however you start at any rate and you see through it through regardless. She was the most valiant individual I at any point knew. †(Lee 112).In determination, Atticus finch is an exceptionally exemplary individual with a â€Å"colorblind†code of respect. He is regularly ridiculed however is as yet regarded by everybody and he is the man everybody goes to in the midst of hardship. As a parent, Atticus attempts to show his children similar qualities he has and despite the fact that he regards them as grown-ups, he despite everything realizes they are kids. In single word, Atticus is a refined man. His feeling of equity is clarified through this last statement, â€Å"You know reality, and in all actuality this: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are inde cent, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women†dark or white.This is a fact that applies to mankind and to no specific race of men. †(Lee 204). Works Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. US Of America: Lippincott Company, 1960. 281. Print. 3 Apr. 2013. Shmoop Editorial Team. â€Å"Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird†Shmoop. com. Shmoop University, Inc. , 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. <http://www. shmoop. com/to-slaughter a-mockingbird/atticus-finch. html> gemgem6969, . â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird †Character Analysis of Atticus. †(2008): n. pag. Studymode. Web. Apr 2013. <http://www. studymode. com/expositions/Kill-Mockingbird-Character-Analysis-Atticus-163926. html>. Smith, Nicole. â€Å"Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. †(2011): n. pag. ArticleMyriad. Web. 4 Apr 2013. <http://www. articlemyriad. com/examination atticus-finch-to-murder mockingbird/>. â€Å"Character Analysis At ticus Finsh. †To Kill a Mockingbird n. pag. CliffsNotes. Web. 4 Apr 2013. <http://www. cliffsnotes. com/study_guide/writing/to-execute a-mockingbird/character-examination/atticus-finch. html>.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Do you spell Free Reign with a G
Do you spell Free Reign with a G Do correct spellings change over time? This video clip from ABC News, and the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), assert that they do. Usage does dictate what authorities such as the OED report as correct spellings of words, such as free reign and vocal chords. As much as I would like to think things like spellings do not change, I am forced to admit that they do. National Dictionary Day: do you spell free reign with a G?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Write My Essay
Write My Essay for Success When your top concern is write my essay for success, your top solutions should include getting the job done right professionally assisted by writers dedicated and committed to your success. Here at ThePensters, we do not just blindly assign you a writer, we provide you choices writers who are visible in our pages for you to select from to solve your needs for write my essay. Many students struggle to get their work accomplished in a timely and effective manner and many will search endlessly for solutions, using write my essay for me and help me do my essay as search parameters. You can skip the search, you can get the high quality assistance you need right here at ThePensters. Professionals for Your Essay Help Writers with experience in numerous formats, disciplines, and degrees are here to provide you with the highest quality solutions to your needs your write my essay needs. When you need help to write your essays, you can select from the writer choices or have our 24/7 support team provide you with a writer that will best fit your needs. Our solutions are dedicated to you, solutions that provide you with high quality assistance when your needs include write my essay for me, or help me write my essay. We even have writers who are native speakers to work with you, US, UK, Canada, and more. In addition, our writers come from numerous disciplines and different degrees even PhD writers are available. ThePensters Has the Help You Need Pensters has the help you need when you need help to write your essay. Our assistance comes with 24/7 support teams and dedicated staff members committed to your needs. Our writers will strive to meet your deadlines, achieve the quality of work you require, and even to find the research you need to be successful. When you need solutions for your write my essay for me and help me write my essay needs, you need ThePensters, with high quality professional writers ready to help you succeed. Visit today and review our samples and examples to see our talented writers.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
11th Grade Essay Topics Options
11th Grade Essay Topics Options Through repetition and practice, you are going to notice problem points in your writing which you'll be able to start to address, and you'll notice, with pleasure, a growing number of improvement. Settle on which invention you think is the most significant. Once you have decided on your topic, the next thing to do is to make an outline. Argue your points employing specific examples to back up your position. There's, naturally, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Once you have completed all 20 questions, you will discover a URL to the answer sheet. Also, be certain and drill drainage holes in the base of the container is you're employing a bucket like the kitty litter comes in. There's no uniform credit system. Elementary students are from time to time put in the next grade, although they haven't performed successfully in the decrease grade. Teachers need to try to remember that, so as to create a positive classroom environment, they have to set the general mood and tone for the classroom. Additionally, few teachers were reading books at the proper grade level. For example, Math teachers may wish to think about increasing the proportion of students that are ready to fulfill the expectations for basic algebraic principles. Our courses can be finished on pretty much any gadget. Grade school science proved to be a different story. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. In the second middle school stage, they will often attempt to rebel in order to define themselves. Explain what would make you wish to visit school in the summertime. It really isn't the very same for every university. Students learn how to write effectively when they write more frequently. Plenty of students put on a uniform. There are several western Movies that have very very good quality and are extremely severe. The world might never know. Writing about nuclear weapons is always a superb idea. Perhaps you can discover new places or maybe to come across a better place to reside. The Most Popular 11th Grade Essay Topics You're concerned you will get upset if you attempt to speak with your parents. Furthermore, parents frequently have zero reference point for comparison. Some parents realize that they can explore different options which don't quite fit any one of these molds. Many parents discover that they can prevent every one of the problems of public and private school with homeschooling. however, it isn't perfect either. Free speech was eliminated in order to make the illusion of unanimity. You should pick a topic that's controversial or one that has both supporters and opposition for this kind of essay. Armed only with your wit and a mobile phone, you're going to require help. The general public school has become the most obvious first option for many families. however, it's also one that can cause them a great deal of concerns. The majority of them are designed particularly for children and teenagers, and my students have found them tremendously helpful. Imagine that the school cafeteria has made a decision to get started serving pizza each and every day of the year. Those kids just need to visit the regional public school, no doubt about it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stanford Prison Experiment Free Essays
Thought Paper # 1 The Stanford Prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or guard. It was conducted by Philip Zimbardo in the 1970’s. The experiment was basically conducted to explain how a person’s behavior changes when they are in a role of authority or vice versa. We will write a custom essay sample on Stanford Prison Experiment or any similar topic only for you Order Now This experiment was only held for a week because it ended up getting too out of control for them to continue it. For this study, I think that at the time the benefit to society did outweigh the potential harm to participants. Yes, at the time setting I think it was okay to potentially harm people if the results could have a large impact or to provide some new information. I believe this because back in the 70’s they didn’t have much research ethics. I also believe that no person should sign up for something that they obviously cannot handle. First of all, I honestly would not sign up to take place in this experiment because I would not be able to go through what all those prisoners went through. I also, nonetheless would be able to be a prison guard treating the other â€Å"prisoners†in such a matter. If I were a prisoner in this study, I would definitely like to have the right to stop participating at any time. If they didn’t allow me to leave whenever I wanted to I wouldn’t be playing the part of a prisoner anymore, I would definitely be one at that point. I would also like to have the rights to clean water, warm food, and to be able to use an actual bathroom instead of having my bucket of pee in my cell. That would just be disgusting. I also would like the right to my blanket and pillow to sleep comfortably and to keep myself warm. So, I obviously wouldn’t be a good candidate for this experiment. If I were the experimenter, I believe I would have done the study. The reason I say this is how I stated before I would only allow people who would actually be able to go through the process of being treated bad/disrespected or the person treating others bad/disrespectful. I believe if things got to that point of how in the actual experiment would of happened, then yes I would have. The reason for this was because in the actual experiment it got out of control after the subjects entered too deeply into the roles they were assigned. The prisoners felt dehumanized and began to forget that they were not genuine prisoners, but only subjects in a psychological experiment. The guards became ever more sadistic, seeing the inmates more and more as the enemy instead of just fellow students. If the experiment wouldn’t have gotten so out of control as it actually did, then no. Of course I wouldn’t have because then I wouldn’t have to worry about anybody getting too physically or emotionally hurt, etc. Also, another thing I would have done differently is telling the parents or legal guardians everything that was going on instead of hiding it from them before any of the students would be considered to be in the experiment. Overall, I just wouldn’t want to be part of this experiment at all. Although I did enjoy watching the video and learning a lot about the Stanford Prison study. How to cite Stanford Prison Experiment, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Legalization Of Marijuana Essays (1769 words) - Herbalism
Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the world and on average it is healthier for you then beer or liquor. The old cash crop of the Americas was tobacco in todays world it is marijuana. More marijuana is transported into and out of this country at a higher rate then tobacco. As of last year there were 1,147,591 of seized marijuana by the United States Coast Guard. If the average price of a pound of marijuana were only fifteen hundred dollars that would put the price at 1,721,386,500 when the GNP (Gross National Product) for year two thousand is projected at 17 billion. If marijuana were actually a taxed good at the normal rate of five percent that would put the price up to 1,807,455,825 it would take the price up a total of one hundred million dollars. Not only would the legalization bring in more then nine percent of the GNP. It would take the amount of drug dealing and money laundering due to dealing down. With this decrease in crime the money spent on police could be put to better use. The police could spend more time in trying to solve crimes such as murders or theft. Though in another area there would have to be a specific police unit to deal with these new stores. The insurance rate would also be astronomically high due to break-ins and the cost of the merchandise being sold. Though even now there are stores that do sell smoking accessories. I mean who honestly would smoke tobacco through a water bong. Ive never met a person who smokes tobacco through anything except a Sherlock pipe. These stores have been around for a long time and nothing extremely bad has ever happened to one. There just another type of store that can be taxed and put its share towards GNP. This is all a store that sold marijuana would do be taxed and brings its share of the GNP. How can it be wrong to legalize it? When this would bring in a huge portion of money to the US and put a large section of drug dealers out of work. Also the medicinal uses are humongous. While marijuana kills absolutely no one aspirin kills up to one thousand people per year and other prescription drugs kill up to twenty seven thousand people a year#. Also cannabis has been proven to take down the risk of cancer and they show a lower rate of illness then non-users#. Medical marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms that no other prescription drug has been able to do. The uses that it has the potential are amazing nothing else can compare to it except maybe penicillin. There is an amazing market for new medical drugs not just the development but the search for the all-amazing wonder drug still continues. Marijuana could be this drug if it was given a chance like every other drug it might surprise people but instead people try to ignore it when it has so many aspects of it. Smoking marijuana has been proven to be the most expedient method of use in medically needs.# At first glance people hear the world legalization and they automatically think smoking some pot. Yet there are many other#r aspects and reasons to legalize it. For one there are many uses for hemp. It is one of the strongest ropes ever made it is cheaper then normal rope and its faster to make. Hemp can also be used in the making of cloth. Hemp produces an extremely rugged cloth product that can be used to make shirts and pants. These products would be cheaper in production and sale, being the rugged durable fabric it is they would probably last longer then normal clothes.
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